As a critical element in the brand system, the design of a bespoke typeface for uniforms, nameplates, and primary brand messaging. Drawn in two widths, Light Oasis takes inspiration from classic geometry and mid-century forms combining to create a classic, sophisticated, and modern voice.
Rare Design was approached in late 2017 with an opportunity to create and develop the brand of a newly relocated WNBA franchise moving to Las Vegas. Formerly the San Antonio Stars, the relocated team was in search of a fresh identity fitting for the team spirit, attitude, and ethos of it’s new home. I was honored to be part of the great team at Rare that brought this project to life. Shout-out to Rodney and the whole crew that made this happen!
Below is a collection of the work we created and showcasing the work that I was most responsible for.
Rodney Richardson | CD/Principal
Jeremy Nelson | Designer
Cody Bass | Designer
Brian Bollig | Designer
Marie Siegfried | Project Manager
Rare Design
Las Vegas Aces
Visual Identity
Type Design
Environmental Design